Afternoon Delight is a hilarious, unpredictable show that fuses stand up comedy and the chaos of live prank calls. Hosted by the master of mischief Brendon Walsh who’s appeared on TV shows like Conan and Drunk History and performed at comedy festivals around the world.

Every show he welcomes guest performers to join him on stage to randomly call people on the phone for an absurd 90 minutes of unscripted, rascally fun. Past guests include Johnny Pemberton, Melissa Villaseñor, Carmen Christopher, Nick Vatterot, Shane Mauss, Lizzy Cooperman, Brent Weinbach, Nick Rutherford, and Billy Wayne Davis.

"I've never had more fun touring than with Brendon doing live prank calls. I'm talking absurd, ridiculous, grade-school laughing. When it works it's great, and when it fails it's even funnier. I never wanted to follow him because I never wanted it to end."

- Doug Stanhope